

24 JUNE 2024
The Royal Academy of Science
(Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen)


The Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy (FEFP) will organize a special global conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 24 June 2024, in the Royal Academy of Science (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen).  This special conference will discuss the following two crucial themes:
Navigating Capital Demand and Supply forEconomic Growth and the Reform of Global Tax Policy.

Session 1: Navigating Capital Demand and Supply for Economic Growth
The first session will focus on the demand and supplyperspectives of countries seeking capital to drive economic growth and theorganizations and countries aiming to provide this capital, while navigating their own regulated environments and adhering to ESG standards.We will explore the urgent need for nations to attractinvestment to fuel their development projects. Whether through infrastructure,energy, or technology, these investments are critical for sustainable economicgrowth. However, countries often face significant hurdles due to stringentinternational financial regulations, environmental standards, and evolvingmarket conditions.From the capital supply side, we will have two esteemedspeakers.Prof. Dr. José Luis Curbelo Ranero, the CEO of Cofides, oneof the major financial development institutions in the EU, will deliver akeynote speech addressing the opportunities and challenges that capitalproviders face while investing in emerging economies under complex regulatoryframeworks that influence their investment decisions.Prof. Dr. Ben Shenglin, Dean of the Zhejiang UniversityBusiness School in China and Chairman of the Zhejiang Association of FinTech,will deliver a keynote speech on how financial innovation (fintech) can be usedto overcome frictions between the demand and supply sides of capital andfunding.From the capital demand side, we will have three esteemedspeakers.Dr. Renato Reside, the Under Secretary of Finance of thePhilippines, Dr. Didier Kabwela (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Mr. JimBoussaid (Republic of Suriname, South America) will discuss the challenges thatemerging countries face in their search for capital required to achieveeconomic growth.   This session is particularly interesting for financialinstitutions, investment firms, government agencies, development agencies, andacademia. It offers valuable insights into the dynamics of capital demand andsupply, the impact of international regulations, and how financial innovationslike fintech can bridge investment gaps.

Session 2: Carbon Mitigation Approaches and Tax Policy Reform
The second session will discuss the impact of carbon mitigation approaches oninvestment attraction, tax policy and economic development. By adhering torobust carbon mitigation strategies, countries can enhance their attractivenessto international investors who are increasingly focused on ESG criteria. Carbontaxes create financial incentives for reducing emissions and generatesignificant revenue for governments. Tax incentives for green investments canencourage businesses and individuals to invest in carbon mitigation projects.However, harmonizing carbon mitigation policies across countries is essential,as to reduce the risk of carbon leakage, where businesses move to countrieswith less stringent regulations. The aim is to apply carbon mitigation approaches that achieveenvironmental goals without sacrificing economic competitiveness. The goal isto strike a balance where carbon reduction efforts are robust enough to meetglobal standards but also flexible and supportive enough to maintain andattract investment and foster economic growth. Therefore,this session will cover the important OECD’s Inclusive Framework on CarbonMitigation (IFCMA), which tries to optimise the combined global impact of allthese individual emissions reduction efforts. We aim to identify strategiesthat maximize the effectiveness of carbon mitigation while minimizing adverseeconomic impacts, ensuring a globally coordinated and economically sustainableapproach to reducing emissions. Prof. Dr. Kurt van Dender, Head of the OECD Tax Policy &Statistics Division, will elaborate on this landmark project of the OECD.  Mrs. Astrid van Mierlo, Head of Unit, EuropeanCommission, Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union will deliver aspeech on important EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism(CBAM).  From the private sector, Mr. Steef Huibregtse, Dr. LouanVerdoner (TPA Global) and Dr. Partho Shome (ITRAF) will share their views onthese global developments. Thissession is particularly interesting for the corporate sector, consultancyfirms, academia, and governments. It offers insights into enhancing ESGprofiles of corporations and the impact that (future) carbon mitigationpolicies may have on corporations and investments. It provides a betterunderstanding of how carbon taxation and tax incentives for green investmentsrelates to economic growth, and how to optimize carbon mitigation strategies for economic and environmental balance.

09:15 – 09:30 Welcome and Introduction FEFP Chairman Dr. Ramon Dwarkasing

Session 1 Navigating Capital Demand and Supply forEconomic Growth
09:30 – 10:00 keynote by Prof. Dr. JoséLuis Curbelo Ranero, Chairman of the Board and CEO of COFIDES,Spain  
10:00 – 10:30 keynote by Prof. Dr. Ben Shenglin, Dean of theZhejiang University International Business School China, Chairman of the Zhejiang Association of FinTech. 
10:30 – 10:50  Intermezzo 
10:50 – 11:20  Dr.Renato Reside, Under Secretary of Finance, Philippines  
11:20-   11:40 Mr. JimBousaid, Supervisory Board StaatsOlie NV Suriname 
11:40-   12:00 Dr.Didier Kabwela, Democratic Republic of Congo 
12:00 – 12:30 Round Table Session led by Dr. Narly Dwarkasing, Lead Economist FEFP  
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch,networking and Informal Meetings

Session 2 Carbon Mitigation Approaches and Tax Policy Reform
13:30 – 14:00 Prof. Dr. Kurt van Dender, Head of the OECD Tax Policy & Statistics Division 
14:00 – 14:30 Mrs. Astrid van Mierlo, Head of Unit, EuropeanCommission, Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union 
14:30 – 14:50 Intermezzo  
14:50 – 15:20 Mr. Steef Huibregtse, Chairman TPA Global  
15:20 – 15:50 Round Table Session led by Dr. Louan Verdoner,TPA Counsel and Dr. Partho Shome, Chairman ITRAF India 
15:50 – 16:20  Discussion Sessions 1 & 2
 16:20  -16:30   Concluding Remarks by Dr. Ramon Dwarkasing,FEFP Chairman.

The FEFP invites you to attend this special conference in Amsterdam on 24 June 2024. As there are limited seats available, we kindly ask you to register before 24 May 2024. Sincerely, Dr. Ramon Dwarkasing LL.M, Chairman Forum on Economic and Fiscal PolicyEmail: