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No part of the materialson this Site, including but not limited to the text, graphics and html code,may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means without STICHTINGFORUM ON ECONOMIC AND FISCAL POLICY's written permission or, in respect oflocal content on an individual country site, the written permission of therelevant member firm(s). "FEFP" is a registered trademark with theBenelux Patent and Trademark Office and with other trademark offices around theworld.Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' privacy commitment &Internet privacy policyThe data controller collecting the data described hereinis Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy, the Dutch professionalservices firm. By submitting data on Stichting Forum on Economic and FiscalPolicy' Web site, the visitor is providing explicit consent to trans-bordertransmission of data collected on the Web site for the fulfilment of theirvoluntary requests.Data collectionWe collect only personally identifiableinformation that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors to StichtingForum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' Web site. Stichting Forum on Economic andFiscal Policy receives limited identifiable information, such as name, Title,company address, email address, and telephone and fax numbers, from Web sitevisitors. Demographic information, including gender and occupation, is notactively sought, but may be submitted when a visitor responds to an online jobapplication. It is Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' policy tolimit the information collected to only the minimum information required tocomplete a visitor'srequest. In any instance where non-mandatory information issought, the Website visitor will be notified of this at the point ofcollection. Although some publications are provided as downloads,visitors may also have the opportunity to purchase Stichting Forum on Economicand Fiscal Policy' publications either online, by calling our phone numbers, orby faxing order forms to our fulfilment house. We will collect orderinformation and a customer's credit card information, where applicable, inorder to facilitate shipment and payment for the publication. Visitorsare also able to send email through the site. Their messages will contain theuser's screen name and email address, as well as any additional information theuser may wish to include in the message. Because we use the Web site as arecruiting tool, a visit to the Web site may also result in the user sending aresume to an individual within Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy. Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' intention is not to seekany sensitive information through our Web site unless legally required forrecruiting purposes. Sensitive information includes a number of types of datarelating to: race or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or othersimilar beliefs; trade union membership; physical or mental health; sexual lifeor criminal record. We suggest that you do not provide sensitive information ofthis nature. If you do wish to provide sensitive information for any reason, StichtingForum on Economic and Fiscal Policy accepts your explicit consent to use thatinformation in the ways described in this privacy statement or as described atthe point where you choose to disclose this information.Use of dataA user maychoose to provide personal information in the following examples: Information attained by the site is used only for the intended purposestated at the time that the information is collected. 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"Cookies" are small text files placed on yourhard drive that assist us in providing a more customised Web site experience.For example, a cookie can be used to store registration information in an areaof the site so that a user does not need to re-enter it on subsequent visits tothat area. It is Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' policy to usecookies to make navigation of our Web sites easier for visitors and tofacilitate efficient registration procedures.If you are concerned aboutcookies, most browsers permit individuals to decline cookies. In most cases, avisitor may refuse a cookie and still fully navigate our Web sites. Inorder to properly manage our Web site we may anonymously log information on ouroperational systems, and identify categories of visitors by items such asdomains and browser types. These statistics are reported in the aggregate toour webmasters. This is to ensure that our Web site presents the best webexperience for visitors and is an effective information resource.ThirdpartiesIt is Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' policy only todisclose information to third parties under the following circumstances: Asrequired by law through subpoena, search warrant or other legal process, whenexplicitly requested by a visitor, when required to deliver publications orreference materials requested by a visitor, when required to facilitateconferences or events hosted by a third party. Stichting Forum on Economic andFiscal Policy' policy is to disclose information to third parties upon visitorssubmitting their requests (e.g. when ordering a publication, wedisplay theparty fulfilling the order). Some Stichting Forum on Economic and FiscalPolicy' publications are listed under in order to make it easier forvisitors to purchase books online. Visitors may search the Stichting Forum onEconomic and Fiscal Policy' list of publications and then click a link toconnect to the site in order to make a purchase. The onlyinformation passed to the site is the publication that has beenselected. A visitor will then be required to register at the site inorder to purchase the publication. We recommend that you visit Amazon's privacypolicy to learn more about their practices.Stichting Forum on Economic andFiscal Policy' Web sites do not collect or compile personally identifyinginformation for dissemination or sale to outside parties for consumer marketingpurposes, or host mailings on behalf of third parties.Third party linksThereare several places throughout this website that may link to other Web sitesthat donot operate under this website's privacy practices. When you link toother Web sites, Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy' privacypractices no longer apply. We encourage visitors to review each site's privacypolicy before disclosing any personally identifiable information.DataretentionSome of the information we receive is not retained. For example, weusually do not keepmailing addresses for white papers. Contact informationabout visitors (such as information generated though registration for access toareas on the site) will be kept as long as the information is required tocompletely service the contact request or until a user requests that we deletethat information. Mailing list information, discussion posts and email are keptfor only the period of time considered reasonable to facilitate the visitor'srequests. Resumes are disposed of when they are either no longer underconsideration, orare considered dated by our Human Resourcesdepartments.ChoicesAs a policy, visitors are not required to register to gainaccess to areas of the Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy Web sites.In certain cases in the future, as your Stichting Forum on Economic and FiscalPolicy Web site experience expands, we may require visitors to register inorder to obtain a user-id and password for authentication and secure access toa transaction or certain business confidential or proprietary informationservices on premium Web sites. Personally identifiable informationprovided to Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy through its Web siteis provided voluntarily by visitors. Should visitors subsequently choose tounsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations, we will provideinstructions, on the appropriate Web site area or in communications to ourvisitors; or a visitor may contact the webmaster of the appropriate site e.g. AccessEach visitor has the right of access to personal data they havesubmitted through the Web sites to Stichting Forum on Economic and FiscalPolicy. User updates of information should be handled by going backthrough the registration process. Inquiries about the accuracy of identifyinginformation previously submitted to Stichting Forum on Economic and FiscalPolicy through its Web site, or requests to have outdated information removed,should be directed to: Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policyis committed to providing reasonable and practical access to visitors to allowthem the opportunity to identify and correct any inaccuracies. When requestedand practical, Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy will deleteidentifying information from current operational systems. When personallyidentifiable information is retained, Stichting Forum on Economic and FiscalPolicy assumes responsibility for keeping an accurate record of the informationonce a visitor has submitted and verified the data. Stichting Forum on Economicand Fiscal Policy does not assume responsibility for verifying the ongoingaccuracy of the content of personal information. When practically possible, if StichtingForum on Economic and Fiscal Policy is informed that any personal datacollected through a Web site is no longer accurate, Stichting Forum on Economicand Fiscal Policy will make appropriate corrections based on the updatedinformation provided by the authenticated visitor.SecurityStichting Forum onEconomic and Fiscal Policy has implemented generally accepted standards oftechnology and operational security in order to protect personally identifiableinformation from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. All Stichting Forumon Economic and Fiscal Policy employees follow a network-wide security policy.Only authorised Stichting Forum on Economic and Fiscal Policy personnel areprovided access to personally identifiable information and these employees haveagreed to ensure confidentiality of this information. Stichting Forum onEconomic and Fiscal Policy' policy is to use secure socket layer technology forthe protection of credit card information submitted through webforms. Thispolicy is also required for any fulfilment agents of our firms.ModificationsStichtingForum on Economic and Fiscal Policy reserves the right to modify or amend thisStatement at any time. The effective date will be displayed at the beginning ofthis statement.